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Inga Hovsepyan
Head of Key Client Relations Department
  • 200+ clients
    on subscription service per month
  • 700+ requests
    from clients processed per month
  • 1 year
    of team management experience
Skills and achievements
  • Experience in negotiations with government agencies
  • Assistance in organizing major charity events within the framework of Move2Armenia project
  • Author of scientific works: “Improving the management of intonation activities” and “Improving project management”, practice from which was introduced into the working processes of the Armenian research and production center “Multi Agro”
Agrarian University of Armenia — Master's degree in Finance and Business
Agrarian University of Armenia — Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Management
Address: Yerevan, 1 Yekmalyan St.
Phone: +374 94 069-911
Lilit Sahakyan, CEO One Business