Registration and management of your business in Armenia

Run your business in a comfortable country, and we will take care of all legal and accounting issues

Registration and management of your business in Armenia

Run your business in a comfortable country, and we will take care of all legal and accounting issues
years of experience
regular customers
average rating
of service quality
Opening a business in Armenia
To open a business in Armenia you only need a passport and a notarized translation of your passport
Legal services
  • Lawyers to protect your interests
  • Various types of contracts: lease, employment contracts, service agreements, loans
Opening a bank account
Assistance with opening cards for individuals and legal entities: in euros, dollars, rubles, and drams
Accounting services
  • Submission of accounting and tax reports
  • Issuance of invoices
  • Preparation of payment orders for online banking
Tax services
  • Tax optimization
  • Risk assessment
  • Safe transactions
  • Assistance with tax audits
Legal status in Armenia
  • Obtaining a residence permit
  • Obtaining citizenship
  • Arranging registration to stay in Armenia for over 180 days without a visa run
  • Obtaining a work permit
Human resources support
  • Safe business operations
  • Passing state labor inspections
  • Preparation of employment contracts
Obtaining a social security number
Without a social security number, it is more difficult to apply for opening bank accounts, and it is required by various government agencies and medical institutions.

We will help you obtain a social security number in the shortest possible time.
Receiving government benefits
  • Benefits for IT industry
  • Benefits for agriculture
  • Personal income tax refund for employees from top universities
We will open your business
in 5 steps
Passport certified translation
Legal entity registration
Opening a bank account
Tax account activation
Signing a contract for service provision
Special offers
Obtaining IT benefits
50 000 ֏
Licensing for cafes and restaurants (catering license)
70 000 ֏
Accounting + managerial service through the "one-stop-shop" system
from 30 000 ֏
Accounting services
Move2Business provides various packages of accounting services:
0 employees
15 000 ֏
per month
"Start up"
  • IT, services
  • up to 3 employees
30 000 ֏
per month
  • trade, manufacturing, construction
  • up to 3 employees
50 000 ֏
per month
  • restaurants
  • up to 20 employees
70 000 ֏
per month
  • cafes, bakeries
  • up to 10 employees
45 000 ֏
per month
The service includes support from a personal manager throughout all stages of work
Additional services
We will assist in setting up the cash register and provide training on its usage
We will help you promptly obtain a construction license for any type of activity
We can represent you in judicial bodies
why armenia
  • Register your business in 1 day
    Registration of commercial organizations is carried out immediately upon submission of documents. There are no requirements for the minimum amount of authorized capital, number of employees or registered address
  • Become a 100% owner of an Armenian company
    Foreign individuals and legal entities can be 100% owners of Armenian companies without the need to involve local partners, directors, personnel, etc. A company registered in Armenia has the right to own land, even if the founder of the company is a foreign citizen
  • Choose a taxation system
    In case of a turnover of up to 115 million AMD, the company can choose to work on an alternative taxation system (5% turnover tax). In case of a turnover of more than 115 million AMD the company should work in the general taxation system (profit tax 18% + VAT 20% + income tax 20%). Micro-entrepreneurship with a turnover of up to 24 million AMD is exempt from taxes
  • Develop international partnerships
    Armenian goods can be exported to the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and most of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) markets as well as to the markets of Iran, Singapore, Vietnam, Serbia and China duty-free. There is also GSP preferential trade program with Canada, the USA, Switzerland, Norway and Japan
  • Obtain a residence permit
    Entrepreneurial activity on the territory of the Republic of Armenia can be the basis for obtaining a residence permit. Moreover, the law does not establish any requirements for the nature of the business
Why us
top expertise of specialists from Armenia and customer service from Russia
support of personal manager
3 languages
and assistance at all stages
9 areas
of business support expertise
We collect monthly feedback on the quality of services and customer care
Our clients
International money transfers and online payments
Register via one of the links below
Event organization platform. All components of your event collected on one platform — services, equipment, venues, food and marketing.
A platform for the development of a digital business environment and the production of innovative technological products and services
Lilit Sahakyan
Managing Partner
Syuzanna Simonyan
Chief Accountant
Hripsime Movsisyan
Client Relationship Manager
Nairy Yacoubian
Financial Analyst
Inga Hovsepyan
Head of Key Client Relations Department
Anna Stepanyan
Mane Davtyan
Lawyer, attorney
Our events
Date: July 23, 2023
Place: Holiday Inn, Yerevan
Date: April 29, 2023
Place: Holiday Inn, Yerevan
Date: October 10, 2022
Place: The Loft, Yerevan
how to find us
Address: Yerevan, 1 Yekmalyan St.
Phone: +374 94 069-911
Lilit Sahakyan, CEO One Business