Lilit Sahakyan
Managing partner and practicing lawyer at One Business
Corporate and tax lawyer, expert in business relocation to Armenia
  • 700 consultations
    for entrepreneurs
  • 300 businesses
    successfully relocated to Armenia
  • 3 years
    of team management experience
Skills and achievements
  • Experience in negotiations with government agencies
  • Business advisor of an investment project in the field of winemaking in Armenia
  • Speaker at various forums
  • Author of an article in Forbes
Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), Institute of Continuing Education (ICE) – Master’s Degree in Law
Specialization: financial and banking law
Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), Institute of Financial and Banking Law – Bachelor’s Degree
Specialization: civil law

Work Experience
  • PJSC Aeroflot Russian Airlines
  • Prosecutor's office
  • Moscow Bar Association
  • Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation
Social activity
since 2017
Co-organizer of charity fundraising for social projects related to improving the sphere of education in Armenia; co-organizer of a program to assist low-income families; active participant of programs promoting Artsakh residents employment

President of the “Association of Armenians of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University"
Participant of the “Leadership School” organized by the Ministry of Diaspora of Armenia (for the Diaspora public figures)
Address: Yerevan, 1 Yekmalyan St.
Phone: +374 94 069-911
Lilit Sahakyan, CEO One Business